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Our business hours are as follows:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Friday:                        8:30am - 5:00pm


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Last blood draw:  3:30pm


All consultations are by appointment. To book an appointment call our clinic on 9771 1133 or use the booking link below.


Please do not come into the Practice if you test positive to Covid-19. Please call us and we will arrange a GP telephone consultation.



The doctor recognised as one of the best general practitioners in the State says the most rewarding part of his 52 year career has been his patients, including the more than 1000 babies he has helped deliver.

Dr John Rosser Davies was named GP of the Year during the WA Rural Health Excellence Awards.The event was hosted by WA Country Health Service and Rural Health West on March 16.

Dr Davies, who has been a Manjimup GP for 46 years, said being a doctor in the country town meant practicing across a range of areas.

Dr Davies quoted "I've grown up in Manjimup, doing obstetrics, anesthetics, surgery, accidents and emergencies, and all sorts of things".

After finding out he had won the top honour, Dr Davies was full of mixed emotions.

Dr Davies said the most rewarding part of his time as a doctor was meeting and taking care of his patients, and the differences in general practice in the country.

Dr Davies said, "Manjimup has been extremely fortunate with their doctors, and before I came here there were doctors who had been here for decades."

"Other regional towns haven't been so fortunate, but Manjmup has always had good quality doctors who stay for a long time."




As our doctors generally have a full day of consultations, they are unable to take calls from patients.  Very often, by explaining the problem to one of our receptionists you can be helped without delay.

FEE INCREASES - Please note that as of the 4th September 2023 we have had a fee increase, you can have a look at these fees via our Patient Information page under fees or ask one of our lovely receptionists.

Register for MyMedicare Today!

MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration model that allows you to strengthen your relationship with your general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.

Seeing your GP regularly and formalising your relationship with your GP and practice through MyMedicare can lead to better health outcomes.

MyMedicare is open to Australians with a Medicare card or a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Veteran Card and is voluntary.

How Can you Register?

To register for MyMedicare using your Medicare Online Account, you'll need:

- to link your Medicare online account to MyGov (this may already be done).

- your Medicare card

1. Sign in to MyGov

2. Select Medicare

3. Select Register for MyMedicare, then Start

4. Under search for your practice, select Your practice, then Next. If you can't find the practice, you can contact us.

5. Select Your preferred GP, then Next

6. Select Submit registration, then follow the prompts to complete your claim.

Having trouble registering?   Ask one of our receptionists for a paper registration form.  If you complete a paper form we can complete the registration for you.

For more information about MyMedicare please visit Resources for MyMedicare patients | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

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